Helping real people with real lives achieve functional and lasting health.


Meet your coach

Hi, I’m Annie. Wife, mom, personal trainer and health coach. I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for almost 20 years. I earned a degree in Sport Science back in 2007, and since then I have been training clients, teaching group fitness, and doing health and nutrition consulting for men and women of all ages and walks of life. I have extensive experience with distance running, Pilates, CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, as well as nutrition and lifestyle coaching. I’ve truly done it all and seen it all. I’m here to help you cut through all the conflicting info and fad diets and figure out a health and fitness plan that will actually work for YOU, and work long term. Let’s go!


3 Month Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching


Frequently Asked Questions

Yeah, I probably can. Most lab ranges are super broad and developed based off of a very unhealthy population. There are also many lab markers that are very helpful, but most doctors do not normally order. Lifestyle, nutrition, managing stress and sleep also GREATLY impact how you feel and function. Set up a Health and Nutrition Consult with me, and we can talk it ALL through and make a wholistic plan to help you finally feel better!

This is actually very common. Years of under-eating/dieting combined with chronic stress can severely depress a metabolism, and I see it all the time, especially in women over 35. If this is you, the popular trope of “eat less, run more” is terrible advice, and will absolutely leave you feeling frustrated and half way to crazy. What you probably need is a reverse diet to build your metabolism back up, as well as strategies to reduce stress in your life! My 3 month Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching package would be a GREAT choice for you. Effectively reducing stressors and rebuilding metabolism from the ground up can be a challenge for sure and it does take time, but it IS doable and oftentimes the only solution. Let’s put in the work and get your metabolism and LIFE back on track!

I got you! You are EXACTLY who I developed the Man Plan for.
It’s a basic, minimum effective dose lifestyle strategy for regular dudes with full, busy lives. It includes basic/REALISTIC guidelines for both nutrition and movement, as well as the option to add on a bloodwork analysis and consult call for extra personalization and a supplementation plan.

I absolutely can. I currently offer an Online Ladies Strength Training Program that is designed to provide weekly functional strength workouts, and even more importantly, community and accountability! We have an AWESOME group of ladies currently participating, keeping each other motivated from all over the US. We can also do a Movement Consultation just to talk about the key components of an optimal strength training plan, (sets, reps, volume, frequency, movement choice, etc.) and discuss how to create a weekly plan that will work for YOU. Whatever it is you need, we can make it happen!

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